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Arr. Che-Yi Lee: NTSO 70th Anniversary Flash Mob Suite (Score and Parts)
►觀賞「NTSO 國臺交 歡慶70 桃機 快閃」影片
NTSO Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDfhozXuz0E
NTSO線上音樂廳 : https://imedia.culture.tw/channel/ntso/zh_tw/media/1550
2015/08/23(星期日)桃園國際機場 Taoyuan Airport Taiwan
Performer: National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra
NTSO Flashmob at Taoyuan Airport Taiwan 2015
Founded in December 1, 1945, National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra (NTSO, located Taichung) is the oldest symphony orchestra in Taiwan. For celebration of the 70th Anniversary, we organized a special flash mob at the Air Terminal of Taoyuan Airport Taiwan on August 23, 2015 :100 days before our birthday.
With an orchestral suite arranged from fine tunes from Taiwan and classical masterpieces, to touch each heart of passengers and announcing after 70 years, we are ready to take off!